make a tax-deductible GIFT

Your generosity means so much to the staff and volunteers at Three Sisters Garden Project. We are grateful for your support!

Your investment in Three Sisters helps us achieve our mission:
  • Supporting our efforts to grow custom crops in bulk quantities to meet the particular needs of our partners, from food pantries to mobile markets to community meal programs.
  • Supporting free and subsidized CSA shares to families in need, offering these families farm-to-table nutrition and deepening the connection between community and farm.

Prefer to donate by check?

Please make checks payable to Three Sisters and mail to:
Three Sisters
P.O. Box 422
Ipswich, MA 01938


Securities & Stock

We are also able to accept your gift of stock or securities.

Call our office at 978-312-6654 to arrange details.


Three Sisters Garden Project Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (Tax ID: 82-5144854) and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.