Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, our community was dealing with food insecurity: many of our neighbors in Ipswich and across the North Shore struggled to access fresh, local vegetables on a regular basis. The challenges of the pandemic accelerated the inequality of our local food system to crisis levels, and now more than ever, we are working to deliver on our mission to make fresh, local, high-quality and delicious food accessible to everyone in our community.

csa shares at three sisters

We work to make fresh, local food available to anyone in our community, regardless of your ability to pay. Every year we offer free CSA shares to community members of all incomes and circumstances. If you need a CSA share this year, please get in touch and we will work with you to find a solution! Email us, or call us at the farm office: (978) 312-6654.

bulk produce Donations through community partners

We donate our high-quality fresh produce to our distribution partners in the community: Acord Food Pantry, The Open Door and Nourishing the North Shore. The food reaches many people through many different outlets – food pantries, mobile markets, prepared and delivered meals, and much more.

community and school gardens

We work with our local schools and partners like The Cuvilly Arts & Earth Center, Birth to Three Family Center, Ipswich YMCA, and more to support local community gardens and school gardens through donated seedlings, education, and programming. We love helping the next generation get in touch with where their food comes from, spend time in nature and the outdoors, and get their hands in the dirt!

I was invited to become a Three Sisters shareholder and became part of the Three Sisters community in Ipswich. Each season has its own variety of vegetables. I enjoyed 20 weeks of picking up my share. Becoming a shareholder helps you to learn to eat seasonally and was a real learning experience. And I must say what a happy and healthy 20 weeks it was. I can’t wait for this season!!
— Charlene