2021 covid-19 policies & procedures

volunteer expectations & guidelines

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! For the safety of everyone on the farm, please do these 3 things:

  1. Read this page (specific to volunteers).

  2. Fill out and sign the 2021 waiver form (filling this out once will suffice for the year).

  3. Read our Covid-19 requirements and guidance for everyone on the farm.

With your help and cooperation, we look forward to a fun and safe growing season!

Notes and Expectations:

  • Only come to the farm if you have scheduled your visit with us - schedule your visit by texting a farm staff or by emailing alexis@threesistersgarden.org

  • Please note that we only accept visits on certain days and we only accept a certain number of visitors at a time.

  • All volunteers are required to wash their hands in the designated handwashing areas before beginning their volunteer shift.

  • Visits by two or more people must come from the same household unit and/or share the same “pod”. During farm visits we will treat your group as one unit. Your unit may be allowed to take your masks off once you are far away in the field, but only if you are together as a unit and there are no other people interacting with you.

  • Wear a mask at all times while at the farm. Exceptions are for when you are working alone in the field, or when two people from the same household are working together and are in a separate area of the farm than other volunteers and staff.

  • While at the farm, please do not enter any buildings--the greenhouse, high tunnel, barn, Cuvilly buildings, etc.--unless you are volunteering in that particular area and have been given permission by farm staff.

  • There is a porta-potty and hand washing station in the field that you may use if in the field, and the Cuvilly yurt restroom if you are near the greenhouse or barn.

  • If applicable, please sanitize all surfaces that you have touched, leaving the premise clean and sanitized for the next user.

  • All staff and volunteers on the farm (including in the office, fields, trucks, or greenhouses) must carry a mask at all times.

  • Masks MUST be worn by staff, volunteers, CSA members, and visitors when using any shared indoor space. This includes the greenhouse, high tunnel, barn, storage sheds, office, restrooms, trucks or vehicles, and Cuvilly buildings.

  • When working outdoors, masks are required if and when social distancing is not possible. If working closely with another person on a task, masks must be worn at all times.

  • When working outdoors more than 6 feet away (for example, at the opposite end of a bed), masks are not required, but you must keep your mask on your person at all times. If working independently and away from others on a fieldwork task--not including harvest--employees may work without a mask.

  • Masks are required when handling produce, including during harvest and wash and pack.

  • TSGP provides disposable gloves and masks for staff or volunteers who may have forgotten or need them.